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Conferences Ramsey evidence Topic #49
Reading Topic #49
Member since Sep-12-02
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Sep-13-02, 08:12 PM (EST)
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"jameson = WebbSleuths"
   Jameson's E-mail to the Leeza Show when four Justice Watch members were appearing. Chris Wheeler, Claudia Trainer, "Jan", and Ruth Gerstenkorn

4. "Leeza e-mail changed"
Posted by jameson on 17:32:13 10/03/98
Include Original Message on Reply

The e-mail address is dead - this is what i tried to send them. Will post it here.

On Tuesday next, you will be taping 4 women who follow the Ramsey case on the internet. Many others on the net are quite concerned that
people in the audience, indeed across America, will judge all of us by the few you have on your show. I assure you that the people who will
appear at the studio on Tuesday do NOT represent all of us.

The people you will have on as guests represent the "lynch mob" faction of on-line posters. They are cruel, vicious people who are looking for
their 15 minutes of fame. They will give you a good show, but remember, it is just a show and those women are NOT speaking for anyone else.

I caution you that I will be taping the show, and I will be paying close attention to anything that is said about me. If you want to talk about the
TimeLine, that it is a very detailed TimeLine and a great way for people to learn about the case, go for it. If you want to say I believe the
Ramseys are innocent - have from the beginning, that is fine. If you want to say I moderate an open forum where everyone can read and post as
long as they remain civil to other posters, the WEBBSLEUTHS forum, then say that.

But the guests on your show are discussing whether or not they should bring up my name, and part of that conversation includes whether they
should try to sell me to you as a Ramsey family member, (I am not), an employee hired to support them on-line, (I am not), or to try to totally
discredit me with their spin on who I am and what I do..

I suggest you make them document anything they intend to ascribe to me. You have lawyers? Alert them to this request.

Thank you,

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Member since Sep-12-02
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Sep-13-02, 08:14 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: jameson = WebbSleuths"
In response to message #0
   Jameson post dated November 19, 1997

ROTFLMAO Don Foster struck up an e-mail conversation with me last Spring that lasted weeks. He took REAMS of my posts of the net,
studied them - and turned me in as the killer - or an accessory to the murder - of JonBenét. He also wrote me a letter - sent it certified mail to
my friend's house where I said I lived - and outlined how I could ;confess; to my part. Nice guy that he is, he offered to act as a go-between.

He later did something similar to another poster. Impressed? I thought it was a HOOT.

Yes, he did reveal Joe Klein as the author of PRIMARY COLORS. He was given a list of suspected authors and.... well - here is the story - read
it yourself - he wrote it - the URL is


Oh what the heck - here it is - in his words.

"In February 1996, I was asked by *New York* Magazine to identify the Anonymous who wrote the best-seller, *Primary Colors*. I was
able in a few days' time to identify Joe Klein as the author -- this was five months before he 'fessed up -- but I could not have fingered Klein
without help from Retrieve It Having first constructed an electronic text
archive of all likely candidates for Anonymous. I used Retrieve It to locate an author who shared linguistic and grammatical peculiarities
with Anonymous. I found that no one but Joe Klein could have written *Primary Colors*. Retrieve It in a matter of seconds,
performed research that would otherwise have taken months to complete."

I was informed that my name was being bantered around Boulder and I was Being discussed as someone being fingered- I called Boulder and
cleared my name. YES - I can say SOMEONE suspected me in this matter - LOL

In the Windsor, Connecticut case they said they are impressed with his work - but the case remains unsolved.

I wonder if they would have fared better WITHOUT the input of my friend Don. He told me long ago that he was a consultant in the Unabomber
case - yet an exhaustive search on-line revealed nothing of the kind. Maybe he is just sending in his stuff free there too - I couldn't find him
listed as working on the case, commenting on the case, could be wrong ..From today's news - In the Ramsey case, Foster has provided Alex
Hunter, the Boulder County, Colo., district attorney, with extensive notes on the ransom letter found after the 6-year-old JonBenet was
murdered, and has studied letters from supposed tipsters as he calls them.

Well - I know months ago he was looking for an - someway to get involved. He was sending notes and ideas and tips to EVERYONE. Guess he
finally found someone to listen. Well, I have to admit, I was taken in early on too. I mean VASSAR. If I learned anything from my experience
with the Vassar professor it was that degrees don't mean diddly-squat and that you indeed can NOT judge a book by the title, scratch that,
cover, scratch that, self-description. Oh - want a peek at the guy? Look fast - I don't know how long he will leave it up - but his picture is found
at http://faculty.vassar.edu/~foster

Boy - this made my day. LOL If he gets famous, maybe the certified letter he sent me - the one with detailed instructions of how to confess my
part to him so I could look in the mirror with some degree of self respect- maybe one day it will be worth - - - the price of a cup of coffee.

ROTFLMAO Hunter needs to take a deep breath before he acts on anything this guy says IMO, of course.

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Member since Sep-12-02
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Sep-13-02, 08:16 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: jameson = WebbSleuths"
In response to message #1
   DAVE LUCAS SHOW - December 30, 1998
Partial Transcript 9 of 13

Dave Lucas: We have Pam Paugh, and from the Internet subculture….

Lance Matthews: We have Jameson, the infamous Jameson who runs Jameson's Timeline and Webbsleuth's forum.

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Charter Member
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Oct-23-02, 01:05 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: jameson = WebbSleuths"
In response to message #2

Yes, I think I am the backbone of WebbSleuths. I made up the name, I decided that it should be spelled with 2 b's in honor of Jack Webb. I was the one who welcomed the posters and engaged them in discussions. I brought the forum to the discussion on the radio and on TV.

When Murphy and I split up, many people were shocked to know she was at all involved in the forum other than as a regular poster. She was more interested in making web pages and talking about posters than following case - she isn't involved in any Ramsey discussion now as far as I know.

WebbSleuths is my forum, always has been.I think it is silly for Tarie and others to be soconcerned about that - - my forum is one of several - - everyone can have a home. I think it is sad that a group felt the need to make their domain name as close to mine as possible - - but it reveals who they are - - not me.

I have been here a long time and I always push for a thorough investigation - an open investigation where the cops clear anyone they can. If they were publicly named as possible suspects, I think they should be publicly cleared if possible. The lies about me - - well, I figure people paying attention can figure out what all that is about. I am not going to take time from my family or case work to deal with the flamers and loons. Not worth the bother. I do what I feel is right, I owe no one any explanation, I didn't start this asking anyone's permission or blessing, and I make no apologies for what I have done. The flamers don't like me, that's OK. I am glad I am not looking in their mirrors.

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