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Forum URL: http://www.webbsleuths.com/cgi-bin/dcf/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Ramsey evidence
Topic ID: 49
Message ID: 1
#1, RE: jameson = WebbSleuths
Posted by Rmod on Sep-13-02 at 08:14 PM
In response to message #0
Jameson post dated November 19, 1997

ROTFLMAO Don Foster struck up an e-mail conversation with me last Spring that lasted weeks. He took REAMS of my posts of the net,
studied them - and turned me in as the killer - or an accessory to the murder - of JonBenét. He also wrote me a letter - sent it certified mail to
my friend's house where I said I lived - and outlined how I could ;confess; to my part. Nice guy that he is, he offered to act as a go-between.

He later did something similar to another poster. Impressed? I thought it was a HOOT.

Yes, he did reveal Joe Klein as the author of PRIMARY COLORS. He was given a list of suspected authors and.... well - here is the story - read
it yourself - he wrote it - the URL is


Oh what the heck - here it is - in his words.

"In February 1996, I was asked by *New York* Magazine to identify the Anonymous who wrote the best-seller, *Primary Colors*. I was
able in a few days' time to identify Joe Klein as the author -- this was five months before he 'fessed up -- but I could not have fingered Klein
without help from Retrieve It Having first constructed an electronic text
archive of all likely candidates for Anonymous. I used Retrieve It to locate an author who shared linguistic and grammatical peculiarities
with Anonymous. I found that no one but Joe Klein could have written *Primary Colors*. Retrieve It in a matter of seconds,
performed research that would otherwise have taken months to complete."

I was informed that my name was being bantered around Boulder and I was Being discussed as someone being fingered- I called Boulder and
cleared my name. YES - I can say SOMEONE suspected me in this matter - LOL

In the Windsor, Connecticut case they said they are impressed with his work - but the case remains unsolved.

I wonder if they would have fared better WITHOUT the input of my friend Don. He told me long ago that he was a consultant in the Unabomber
case - yet an exhaustive search on-line revealed nothing of the kind. Maybe he is just sending in his stuff free there too - I couldn't find him
listed as working on the case, commenting on the case, could be wrong ..From today's news - In the Ramsey case, Foster has provided Alex
Hunter, the Boulder County, Colo., district attorney, with extensive notes on the ransom letter found after the 6-year-old JonBenet was
murdered, and has studied letters from supposed tipsters as he calls them.

Well - I know months ago he was looking for an - someway to get involved. He was sending notes and ideas and tips to EVERYONE. Guess he
finally found someone to listen. Well, I have to admit, I was taken in early on too. I mean VASSAR. If I learned anything from my experience
with the Vassar professor it was that degrees don't mean diddly-squat and that you indeed can NOT judge a book by the title, scratch that,
cover, scratch that, self-description. Oh - want a peek at the guy? Look fast - I don't know how long he will leave it up - but his picture is found
at http://faculty.vassar.edu/~foster

Boy - this made my day. LOL If he gets famous, maybe the certified letter he sent me - the one with detailed instructions of how to confess my
part to him so I could look in the mirror with some degree of self respect- maybe one day it will be worth - - - the price of a cup of coffee.

ROTFLMAO Hunter needs to take a deep breath before he acts on anything this guy says IMO, of course.