A few pages were devoted on timely reports - - and then this...Page 227 -
Arndt - "As a detective, I would keep investigative notes which detailed an account of what I did. And then I had my
handwritten notes, and at the conclusion of the investigation, I would complete a written report."
Q. Did you provide all of those investigative notes and handwritten notes to the investigative file maintained by the BPD?
A. No.
Q. Why not?
A. They weren't asked.
Page 228 - 229
Q. Were there investigative notes you kept in the Ramsey matter that you didn't turn over to be kept as part of the investigative
file on the Ramsey investigation?
A. Some.
Q. How did you decide what investigative reports - or investigative notes you would turn over and what investigative notes you
would not turn over in the Ramsey investigation?
A. I turned over the notes that were asked.
Q. So you had to be asked for the notes as opposed to your feeling it just part of your responsibility as a detective inthe
Ramsey investigation to turn over those notes?
A. I knew that Masn had turned his notes over, and they went into evidence, and they now are unaccounted for. And I did not
want the same thing to happen should I turn over notes without any kind of chain of command for evidence.
Page 232-235 - After quite a bit of wrangling, Arndt admitted she had notes - investigativenotes - that she never turned in.
They are being kept "in a safe place" and Arndt refused to reveal where tht place was - - said she was concerned about the
security - - didn't want them to disappear as Larry Mason's had. She said she had never made copies of those note3 and
turned them in - - but would be willing to make a copy for the BPD at that time. How many notes? 2 to 3 steno books of
Page 239 - 242 - after somemore discussion about how Arndt was unhappy with Eller and Wickman, she got back to the fear
for her personal safety. She was upset that her initial reports - - those stating what she saw and felt on December 26th - - were
givento the Ramseys and it made her fearful. She said not for direct harm from JR, but..... she just felt that her position as a
witness placed her and her loved ones in danger.
Page 243 - Sergeant Wickman told Arndt that she and Wickman would be removed from the Ramsey team. Arndt was upset.
Page 247 - 249 - Wickamn said Arndt was removed because she didn't conform to the team routine, didn't always attend
meetings and share information, was not caught up on written reports, was months behind and "...Linda was viewed as more of
a problem than an asset at the time."
Page 252 - Who did Arndt NOT trust? Eller and Wickman. Who DID she trust? Larry Mason, Bob Whitson and Paul
Page 254-255 - - Linda's behavior at some meetings was described - - she would hyperventilate, her eyes wuld grow wide -
clearly they felt she was overwhelmed. Arndt said her eyes are "expressive' and she was shaking because she had coffee on an
empty stomach.
Page 256-259 - Arndt and Koby had breakfast at Dot's Diner - about an hour - - discussed an award Arndt was getting - and
she told Koby about her feelings on the Ramsey case. She said he felt Patsy was the guilty party. But she was sure that it was
John and incest was an issue.
Page 263-265 - Arndt was asked to meet with Wickman - - she asked Jane Harmer and Steve Tomas to accompany her.
Thomas and Harmer were there for a while then left - - Arndt said Wickman said he had no problem with her work - they were
Page 267 - Arndt met with Eller who also said he had no problem with her work
Then there was a long thing on Koby - - lawyer wranglings and a break - did Arndt expect Koby to address 8 points publicly
or give a general statement on the case and Arndt's performance? On page 277, Arndt said that she felt "...more than just a
general statement is needed."
Page 278 - Arndt said she was trying to get a job at CU - Sexual Harassment Investigator (she did get that position later)
Page 283 - - Arndt names other officers who were late with reports - Wickman, Eller, Trujillo
Arndt indicated that she was not checked for a bug when she went to see Patsy.
She said she did not listen to the Peter Boyles program when he was attacking her.
Page 285
Q. ...Exhibit 4... an authorization to release medical information. Would you be willing to xecute that at this time?
A. by Mr. Jones - We've already indicated that we wouldn't sign.
Q. You'll follow your attorney's direction inthat regard?
A. yes.
Q. That's all. Thanks.