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Conferences Ramsey evidence Topic #66
Reading Topic #66
Charter Member
10561 posts
Apr-26-02, 09:33 PM (EST)
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"Boulder Clearings"
   The only people officially CLEARED were Melinda and John Andrew Ramsey, pedophile John Brewer
Eustace, and then, after nearly 2 /12 years, the authorities made it clear that they never considered Burke Ramsey a viable suspect..
There was a statement made concerning Fleet and Priscilla White, but some people, myself included, do not accept that statement as a "clearing". The press releases and a statement from a local paper follow.

From Boulder Press release #5 - 12/30/97 - The adult children were out of state at the time of the incident.

From Boulder Press Release #32 - 3/6/97 - Based on the information Boulder Police have to date, police are now able eliminate John Andrew and Melinda Ramsey as a potential suspects. John Andrew and Melinda are being publicly cleared of involvement to relieve them of stress caused by inappropriate speculation. Boulder Detectives traveled to Roswell, Georgia for the express purpose of collecting conclusive evidence that would allow us to eliminate John Andrew and Melinda from suspicion in this case. Upon arrival, we were informed that John B. Ramsey had retained attorney James Jenkins in Atlanta to represent Lucinda Johnson, Melinda and John Andrew. Mr. Jenkins declined to allow his clients to
speak with us. As a result, alternative sources of information had to be developed which delayed our
ability to publicly issue this information.

(John Andrew made an ATM transaction at the QT store on Roswell Road in Marietta, GA at 9 pm on
12/25/1996. He was with his friend Brad Millard at that time. Melinda woke JAR up the next morning - in GA. There simply was not enough time for JAR to get to Boulder in time to do the murder.)

From Boulder Press Release #37 - 4/8/97 - The detectives were in Charlotte April 6 and 7. Charlotte Police contacted Boulder Police following their arrest of John Brewer Eustice because of similarities in his case and that of JonBenét Ramsey. Following an extensive interview with Eustice, Detectives Thomas and Gosage were able to conclusively rule him out as a suspect in the Ramsey case.

From Boulder Press release #40 - 4/16/97 - In response to media inquiries and to clarify inaccurate statements, Boulder Police Chief Tom Koby has the following statement: "Mr. and Mrs. Fleet White, Jr. are not suspects in the JonBenét Ramsey murder investigation. They are considered key witnesses. The Boulder Police Department appreciates the full cooperation they have received from the Whites since the
beginning of their investigation. I feel this response is necessary due to the inaccurate portrayal of Mr. and
Mrs. White in certain media publications."
A quote from Chuck Green in the Denver Post 1/17/98
"Her death and the year-long investigation has become a daily obsession for the Whites, according to
friends, and they are determined to follow every twist and turn to its conclusion. It was primarily that
preoccupation with the murder case that caused them to ask Gov. Roy Romer to personally intervene in
the investigation by replacing Boulder District Attorney Alex Hunter with a special prosecutor. But there
was a lingering animosity toward Hunter's office, sources said, that helped fuel the Whites' anger. The
Whites demanded last summer that they be publicly cleared as potential suspects in the case, demanding
that Police Chief Tom Koby issue a statement of exoneration. DA Hunter, though, advised police to
soften the statement by limiting it to the current status of their case, rather than allowing a comprehensive
statement of absolution. White, sources say, resented the softened version. White also has felt that the
DA's office has neglected him and his wife, while police have taken the couple's reports more seriously."

ON BURKE - - he never was a suspect - - this affidavit makes that clear...
AFFIDAVIT of ALEXANDER HUNTER - October 12th, 2000
State of Colorado
County of Colorado

Personally appeared before the undersigned officer duly authorized by law to administer oaths, ALEXANDER M. HUNTER,
who being first duly sworn, deposes and says as follows:
1. My name is Alexander M. Hunter. I am over 21 years of age and I am cmpetant to make and give this Affidavit, and do so
from personal knowledge.
2. I am an attorney duly licensed in the State of Colorado. Since January 9th, 1973, I have been the elected District Attorney for
the 20th Judicial District, County of Boulder, State of Colorado.
3. On or about December 26th, 1996, JonBenét Ramsey, a six year old minor child, was murdered in her home in Boulder,

4. Since the date of her death, I have been continuously involved in the investigation of JonBenét's homicide.

5. As part of the investigation into the murder of JonBenét Ramsey, questions about any possible involvement by her brother,
Burke Ramsey, who was 9 years of age at the time of his sister's murder and who was one of the individuals present in the house
at the time of her murder, were raised and investigated as part of standard investigative practices and procedures.

6. From December 26th, 1996, to the date of this affidavit, no evidence has ever been developed in the investigation to justify
elevating Burke Ramsey's status from that of witness to suspect.

7. In May of 1999, I was made aware that tabloid newspapers had indicated that Burke Ramsey was a suspect in the murder of
JonBenét Ramsey or was believed to be her killer. As a result of these articles, I was contacted by media representatives and I
instructed my office to release a press statement which publicly and officially stated that Burke Ramsey was not a suspect in
connection with the murder of his sister and that stated in part, "...almost a year ago (Boulder) Police Chief Mark Beckner stated
during a news conference that Burke (Ramsey) was not a suspect and that we are not looking at him as a possible suspect." The
information in the May 1999 press release was true and correct.

8. From December 26th, 1996, to the present date, I have never engaged n plea bargain negotiations, talks or discussions with
anyone in connection with the investigation into the murder of JonBenét Ramsey based in whole or in part on the premise that
Burke Ramsey killed his sister. From December 26th, 1996, to the present date, no member of my office has ever engaged in plea

bargain negotiations, talks or discussions with anyone in connection with the investigation into the murder of JonBenét Ramsey
based in whole or in part on the premise that Burke Ramsey killed his sister.

9. I am aware that this Affidavit may be used by counsel for Burke ramsey in connection with libel litigation brought on his behalf
in various jurisdictions.

This 12th day of October, 2000

signed by Alexander M. Hunter
notarized by Susan Ingraham

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Charter Member
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Jun-07-02, 08:01 PM (EST)
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1. "bump"
In response to message #0

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Charter Member
10561 posts
Oct-08-02, 04:19 PM (EST)
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2. "IF"
In response to message #1
   Patsy Ramsey: "If our DNA matched anything significant they would have arrested us in a New York minute."

If the BPD can clear Melinda and JAR, if they can clear Eustace, then why CAN'T they clear anyone else?

If the handwriting and DNA don't match, why not say so - - and show the documents to support it?

That doesn't clear anyone of the actual murder - - could be there was someone else there and one was an accomplice) but clearing someone of writing the note and contributing the DNA would be a good start.

(Oops - - they would have to admit the handwriting and DNA didn't match the Ramseys. Both excluded John. One excluded Patsy and the other was,in her case,inconclusive. Doesn't help their BORG position, does it?)

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