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Forum URL: http://www.webbsleuths.com/cgi-bin/dcf/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: Ramsey evidence
Topic ID: 70
#0, The Hoffman FAX
Posted by jameson on Apr-26-02 at 09:56 PM
Darnay Hoffman is the attorney who is suing the Ramseys. He says that his experts will testify that Patsy Ramsey and no one else wrote the ransom note.<P>I shared this FAX a long time ago with the forum - and will again. This FAX went from Darnay Hoffman to another attorney - Tom Miller. Tom Miller was willing to say that as a handwriting expert he had done what the FBI, CBI and US Secret service had been unable to do - - - link Patsy to the note.<P>Miller was willing to say Patsy wrote the note.<P>This FAX, however, is a document I think most Ramsey addicts will find very interesting.<P><img src="http://www.jameson245.com/hoffmanfax1.jpg";><P>The text:<b><BR>Dear Tom, <BR> Could you please fax me a copy of your c.v.? My fax number is (212) 496-****. I need to begin<BR>preparing your court affidavit and a recital of your qualifications as a handwriting expert is essential. <P> You might be interested to know that I spoke with handwriting expert Paul A. Osborn who is, as you<BR>probably already know, the grandson of Albert S. and son of Albert D. Osborn. He refuses to touch the<BR>Ramsey case with a ten foot pole. His reasons: he knows the handwriting experts who gave their reports<BR>to the defense team and to CBI - - - four in all. According to Osborn these experts are supposedly top in<BR>their field (he won't give me their names) with impeccable ethical credentials. Their verdict: the<BR>similarities between Patsy and the ransom note writers handwriting is at the very lowest end of the<BR>spectrum, i.e., there is little or no basis for a match. <P> I don't have to tell you what is going to happen when I present your report and affidavit to a district<BR>court judge. When Alex Hunter and Hal Haddon are finished with you, you will either look like Henry<BR>Lee or Dennis Fung. Obviously this is going to be a "defining moment" for both of us. My former law<BR>professor Barry Scheck just took a wicked hit in the Nanny murder trial, so it can happen to the best of<BR>us. <P> Trust me (as they say in Hollywood) when I tell you that if you're doing this solely for the money, then<BR>you're nuts. This is "a career move." You better be in this because you "like the action." Because you're<BR>going to see plenty of it when this report hits the courts. <P>Best, Darnay Hoffman <BR>.

#1, handwriting experts
Posted by jameson on Jun-07-02 at 08:02 PM
In response to message #0
The FBI, CBI and US Secret service couldn't make the match but Darnay Hoffman's experts can!<P>Yeah Right.<P>What a career move. <P>

#2, RE: handwriting experts
Posted by jameson on Oct-29-02 at 09:18 PM
In response to message #1

#3, NE's matches.
Posted by jameson on Oct-29-02 at 09:22 PM
In response to message #2
I won't be able to get the tabloid until tomorrow - - but some of the BORG has had it since thursday. The fact that not one of them scanned the writing and showed the "match" tells me even they think the expert was bogus.