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Forum Name: old depo and interview threads
Topic ID: 44
#0, Thomas depo 39 - did you investigate???
Posted by jameson on May-18-03 at 01:51 PM
Q. Did you ever seek to interview the Richardson twins who lived with Melody Stanton?

A. No.

Q. Why not?

A. Because I was unaware of these people.

Q. Did anybody in the Boulder Police Department make an attempt, to your knowledge, to interview
the two 30-year old twins, the Richardson twins, that lived with Melody Stanton?

A. Not that I'm aware of.

#1, RE: Thomas depo 39 - did you investigate
Posted by jameson on May-18-03 at 01:52 PM
In response to message #0
Q. How about the two friends of Fleet White that were there, did you all ever get any non-
testimonial evidence from those two individuals?

A. Which two friends are you referring to?

Q. The ones that were with him on Christmas and were at the Ramseys on I believe the party of the
23rd; do you know who I'm talking about?

A. Mr. Fleet White's house guests at the time?

Q. Yes. His friends that were house guests, did you all ever get any non-testimonial evidence, hair,
DNA, 5 handwriting from Mr. Cox or Mr. Gaston?

A. I believe Detective Harmer received that assignment and made attempts to conduct that
investigation. And I'm not sure whether or not she was successful in those attempts.

#2, RE: Thomas depo 39 - did you investigate
Posted by Mame on May-18-03 at 03:06 PM
In response to message #1
LAST EDITED ON May-18-03 AT 03:08 PM (EST)
Harmer "attempted"?1?! What the hell does that mean? He makes it sound like this is optional! Can you just imagine Harmer asking pretty please can I have a hair sample? They were probably never asked.

We may not even need a DNA database to match the mystery DNA...sounds like it might be a good idea to test EVERYONE who was present first! Duh...But, then I'm not even sure we know exactly who was present.

The more I read the madder I get.

#3, RE: Thomas depo 39 - did you investigate
Posted by Rapunzel676 on May-18-03 at 03:21 PM
In response to message #2
Who trained these people? This whole situation reminds me of the anonymous note the BPD received at one point during the case that read "Remind me not to get murdered in Boulder," or something to that effect. They can't even follow routine procedure. It's not only sad, it's scary!

#4, RE: Thomas depo 39 - did you investigate
Posted by Ashley on May-18-03 at 09:40 PM
In response to message #3
I can't read anymore, I'm boiling. This is UNBELIEVEABLE!

I knew they NEVER TESTED those Calif. men and I bet Fleet was never tested either.Who was he assigned too... the man in the moon?

What a JOKE!

#5, yes
Posted by Myself on May-18-03 at 09:53 PM
In response to message #4
it is a bit unbelievable.
but later they make the claim that they investigated 200 suspects, and so much evidence.
what were they investigating- I'm curious.

#6, RE: yes
Posted by jameson on May-18-03 at 10:50 PM
In response to message #5
Don't get too upset. The new team is going to see to it that the interviews are done and proper tests done where necessary.

The BPD had 6 years to not solve this - - let's give the new team a full year before even starting to raise an eyebrow. They have a lot of work to do and those people who once were all right there in Boulder are all over the place now... some are dead... memories have faded.

But the evidence is there and this case can be solved. Lou told me when he showed me the Powerpoint demonstration that he believes this can be solved - - and prosecuted.

#7, that must mean
Posted by Myself on May-19-03 at 05:43 AM
In response to message #6
he has a potential suspect in mind, that there is someone who is glaringly obvious, if anyone had cared to look for them..

#8, RE: yes
Posted by Islander on May-19-03 at 11:54 AM
In response to message #6
>But the evidence is there and this case can be solved. Lou
>told me when he showed me the Powerpoint demonstration that
>he believes this can be solved - - and prosecuted.

I hear so much about this Powerpoint presentation. Is it available on the web for anyone to review? Or was it the basis for The Elite -Court TV show of November 7, 2002?

#9, RE: yes
Posted by jameson on May-19-03 at 12:21 PM
In response to message #8
It is not available - - it is the basis of the Elite Show.

I was fortunate enough to have seen it several times. Lou sat with me and showed it to me and I was present when he showed it to others later.

He sits with you and goes through the crime scene photos and explains what he sees, answers questions and brick by brick he builds a very good case against the intruder.

A good place to review it - - you can see the photos fairly well if you click on them to make them larger - is the Rocky Mountain News article found at:


#13, Fleet guests DNA?
Posted by daffodil on May-19-03 at 04:30 PM
In response to message #4
No wonder they can't solve this crime.

#10, Elimination prints?
Posted by DonBradley on May-19-03 at 12:40 PM
In response to message #0
We assume that none of the party guests went upstairs to JonBenet's room and none of the party guests went down to the basement area. An assumption that is most likely correct but not necessarily so.

The 'primary' areas of interest are the bedroom, the area where she died and the area where she was found.

I do not know if any fingerprints were found in these areas or in such obvious areas as the front door, but in order to know what prints were 'potentially valuable' a latent print examiner would need to have 'elimination prints'.

You get a complete set of prints from everyone known to have been in the house recently.

Now this is just fingerprints. Its not dna or pubic hairs or anything like that.

Sure the people can refuse to be printed, but you atleast ask!

#11, RE: Elimination prints?
Posted by Sam on May-19-03 at 01:08 PM
In response to message #10
I would like to know what evidence they or going to compare it to.
Obviousely the print is a red herring. We know the perp must have worn gloves or their would be prints on the garrot handle and ramsome note.
The pubic hair could be red herring, since JB was sexually assaulted with the missing end of the paint brush.
HITECH shoe impression ??????
Fibers some may match Patsey's jacket others you have nothing to compare them to.
DNA no help it's mixed.
So I'm trying to figure out what evidence they or going to match someone up with.
The ramsome note has been looked at by every Tom,Dick and Harry.
Every body has their own opinion and I do to. It matches Oliva...
I would like to see that pubic hair mtDNA tested and compared to people like Oliva.

#12, RE: Rocky Mountain News Article
Posted by Islander on May-19-03 at 04:08 PM
In response to message #11
jameson: Thank you for referring me to the Rocky Mountain News Article. It was exactly what I was looking for. I don't believe the Ramseys are guilty of the death of their daughter, primarily because there is absolutely nothing in their past to indicate they are capable of such violence.

As we see in his deposition, Steve Thomas does not have the evidence to support his theory that Patsy is responsible for JB's death. What I don't understand is why Smit would use in his presentation the picture of the wide open train room window. Sure its labeled a crime scene photograph, but Smit knew that the picture was inaccurate long before the Rocky Mountain News article and the Court TV show. Why, because John Ramsey told him so during his interview of June 23, 1998. John told Smit he found the window open about an inch.

I believe Smit's use of this picture was unnecessary and deceptive. I think Keenan needs to take a close look at the crime scene photos taken by the BPD and used by Smit, particularly as to the time the pictures were taken and what may have occurred between the time the police arrived on the scene and the taking of the pictures.

#14, RE: Rocky Mountain News Article
Posted by jameson on May-19-03 at 04:59 PM
In response to message #12
The photo is the firstone taken of the window that morning - - unfortunately, we don't have the witness statements that would be used with the photos if the case were ever to go to trial.

#15, RE: Rocky Mountain News Article
Posted by Margoo on May-19-03 at 05:05 PM
In response to message #14
Sorry, I don't remember the timeline for everyone coming in and out of the house in the earliest part of the day, Dec 26/96. How did this window get opened wide for the crime scene photo? Any ideas?

#16, RE: Rocky Mountain News Article
Posted by jameson on May-19-03 at 05:23 PM
In response to message #15
The window - - the photo wasn't taken early on the morning of the 26th. Sad but true. People had disturbed that crime scene.

#17, Random DNA testing...
Posted by Maikai on May-19-03 at 09:31 PM
In response to message #16
I think you can ask...but you can't force it without probable cause. The guests at the White's probably had alibis.

#18, RE: Random DNA testing...
Posted by Ashley on May-19-03 at 11:09 PM
In response to message #17
Their alibis can't be that great. But you're right, they had each other. Fleet says he was alone in bed. The other's were either up talking or asleep somewhere.

I wish I could see the Whites house.

#19, RE: Random DNA testing...
Posted by Slapfish on May-20-03 at 01:46 PM
In response to message #17
>I think you can ask...but you can't force it without
>probable cause. The guests at the White's probably had

They should be able to ask for DNA samples as a means of determining if the DNA found at the crime scene was the result of casual contact on the day of the party.

It's probably WAY too late, but everyones clothes from that day should have been collected as well, to make sure that any fibers found at the crime scene were also NOT from casual contact.

What an uphill battle these new investigators have. With so many mistakes to make up for.