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Forum URL: http://www.webbsleuths.com/cgi-bin/dcf/dcboard.cgi
Forum Name: old JBR threads
Topic ID: 171
Message ID: 4
#4, STOP!
Posted by jameson on Jul-24-02 at 10:02 AM
In response to message #3
This lawsuit was throw out by one judge - rightfully so. The lawsuit was bogus and this is a BS APPEAL!<P>Darnay Hoffman started in this whole case pointing out the "similarities" to the Lindburgh case and pointing at JOHN - - then when the BPD decided to go after Patsy, he changed lanes.<P>His handwriting experts have come and gone and they - IMO - - hope to make some big splash by doing what the FBI, CBI and US Secret Service could not do - - identify Patsy as the writer of the ransom note.<P>His FAX to his first handwriting expert says it all.<P><b> Trust me (as they say in Hollywood) when I tell you that if you're doing this solely for the money, then<BR>you're nuts. This is "a career move." You better be in this because you "like the action." Because you're<BR>going to see plenty of it when this report hits the courts. </b><P>We all know what Darnay is - - a "Media Whore" - - and a very tenacious one at that. He is the pit bull here. <P>The courts need to stop clogging the system with these malicious, mindless lawsuits. They should tell Darnay and others like him to stop or pay a steep price.<P>Mr. Darnay Hoffman,<BR>You have TWO clients - - LHP and Chris Wolf. You say the Ramseys are accusing BOTH of them of killing their daughter. They did not, not at all. The Ramseys correctly stated that both LHP and Chris Wolf were under that huge umbrella of suspicion. Lots of us were there for a time - - me included. It isn't anything to sue over - - it is a fact and didn't have a thing to do with John and Patsy. It had to do with the things WE said and did.<P><BR>Mr. Hoffman.... Schiller, Thomas... were you upset that you didn't make it into their books? <BR>I made it into both - - it wasn't a thrill - - would it have been for you? LHP and Chris Wolf made it into those books as well - - but you didn't sue THOSE authors. Why? <P>Seems to me that your limited lawsuits show that you are focused only on hurting the Ramseys. I don't know if it could be called stalking or harassing or what - - but it is bloody wrong and you should STOP IT!<P>You are obsessed - - and on the wrong side. You are hurting innocent people. <P>You met them. You sat with them and saw them. I know you can't really imagine Patsy making that gaotte or sexually assaulting her child and going to bed. I know in my heart that you don't believe John would cover for her and leave her with Burke.<P>The worst thing is, I think you know you are wrong and don't care. You have a soul, believe it or not - even lawyers get one to start. You should take care of it.<P>STOP THE LAWSUITS!!!!!<P>