Access Graphics in Boulder, as well as, or more important the Paris office would be suspect. Paris is the strongest PROPHETIC Muslim Center in the West outside Mecca, Saudi Arabia and Tehran, Iran.The Khomenei FROGS have deeply infiltrated Paris institutions and are the major French domestic threat in France today and in 1996. The French have a knife to their bellies.
Mr. Ramsey's business connections, employees and deals must be fully investigated in Paris for 1996. Lockheed should be concerned of Muslim business infiltration.
Again, alike the previous page on warnings such things of the uncommon.
Mr. Ramsey may have had a literal DEAD DOG left in his path.
Mr. Ramsey may have had a magazine in his office or building left with V's on the pictures. Esp. If female nudity or luxery items.
A fire, of unknown origen.
Phone calls unanswered to his hello.
Odd messages left at Access Graphics.
Locks of hair.
A strangers embrace from behind, head to head.