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Forum Name: more and more JBR
Topic ID: 1174
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#0, Nancy Krebs thread
Posted by jameson on May-27-03 at 02:55 PM
I have been accused of chilling the discussion that had to do with Nancy Krebs. Yes, I did lock the thread - it was long and when that happens I lock the thread and expect if people want the discussion to continue they will start another.

I did say that I did not believe Nancy Krebs' story was at all related to the ramsey murder - - but readily admit the story is certainly a "side show" to this case. How could I not when the BPD investigated her claims?

I want to share the Boulder Press Release that ended their investigation - - then I will make a couple short comments...

City of Boulder News Release
May 15, 2000
Contact: Jana Petersen, Media Relations, (303) 441-3090

Boulder Police end investigation into California woman's report

Boulder Police and prosecutors have concluded an investigation that began in February when a
37-year-old California woman reported her belief that JonBenet Ramsey was murdered as part of a child
sex ring. The investigation found no additional evidence to support this theory.

In February, the woman contacted the Boulder Daily Camera with allegations of a child sex abuse
conspiracy involving her own family members, the Ramsey family and close friends of the Ramseys. The
woman also claimed that some of her own family members were at a party attended by JonBenet Ramsey
and her parents on December 25, 1996, just prior to JonBenet's death. The woman believed JonBenet
was likely killed at the party by adults who sexually and physically abused her.

Boulder Police spent about 11 weeks investigating the allegations, which included conducting 22
interviews, reviewing medical and psychological records, reviewing photographs and recordings, consulting
with a forensic psychiatrist, and comparing the allegations against physical evidence and current
knowledge of the case. As a result, Boulder Police and prosecutors working on the case have concluded
that other than the woman's statements, there is no evidence to support this theory of JonBenet's murder.

"The Boulder Police have spent a significant amount of time investigating the claims made by this
woman and her attorney," Prosecutor Mike Kane said. "There is simply no credible evidence to link
anything she alleges to the death of JonBenet. The expenditure of additional police and prosecutorial
resources is unwarranted."

Boulder Police have made no judgments or conclusions about abuse the woman may have suffered in
prior years in California. It is well established that she was a victim of sexual abuse in 1979-80, for which
a suspect was arrested and convicted. However, the current investigation did not find any connection
between the abuse she suffered and the death of JonBenet Ramsey.

Boulder Police have forwarded information to the FBI in reference to some of the woman's
allegations regarding the operation of a child sex ring. Police also advised her to contact California
authorities with any information she has regarding crimes that may have occurred in California.

This is the second time Boulder Police have investigated the possibility of JonBenet's death being
connected to a "sex ring" or pornographic operation involving numerous people. On each occasion, no
credible evidence was found to support such speculation.

"We needed to take the time to complete a thorough investigation," Police Chief Mark Beckner said.
"Unfortunately, the allegations have led to speculation that Fleet and Priscilla White, former close friends
of the Ramseys and hosts of the 1996 Christmas party, were somehow involved in the sexual abuse and
death of JonBenet. We have no evidence whatsoever to support this and have never had evidence to
support such an allegation. Nor do we have any evidence that John and Patsy Ramsey were part of or
participated in a child sex ring operation."

Because she is a sexual assault victim, Boulder Police are not releasing the name of the California

The "California woman reported her belief that JonBenet Ramsey was murdered as part of a child sex ring." It was her belief - - and just one of many such tips - - "I believe" but have NO evidence. In this situation, the person she was poiting to had been with the child so this got a lot of attention - - even more since Lee Hill and Mame were involved and made it public through the newspapers and the Internet.

"The woman ... claimed that some of her own family members were at a party attended by JonBenet Ramsey and her parents on December 25, 1996, just prior to JonBenet's death. The woman believed JonBenet
was likely killed at the party by adults who sexually and physically abused her."

Now we are hearing that she said or meant that the family was at another party in Boulder but not the one at the Whites? You can see why I am hesitant to get involved with this story - - it is changing, mutating, to fit the situation of the day. Simply put, I think Nancy Krebs is a pathalogical liar who is supported, if not encouraged, by her therapist.

Mame heard her story, she was the one who interviewed her - - I know Mame is not stupid - - I don't understand how she can continue to have faith in what Nancy says.

"Boulder Police and prosecutors working on the case have concluded
that other than the woman's statements, there is no evidence to support this theory of JonBenet's murder."

I am going to be honest - - I met with Lee Hill and we spoke about Nancy, I saw some of the papers, he was trying to convince me that her story was real. I told him I felt some of her injuries were self-inflicted (the "brand" on her ankle, for example) and that she was making up stories for some personal reason that we might never understand.

I agree that she was a victim of abuse - I just don't think it has anything to do witht he ramsey case.

Police Chief Mark Beckner said there was NO evidence that the Whites were involved in the sexual abuse and death of JonBenet. I honestly don't think Beckner would have put out that statement without serious consideration - - he didn't have to give a quote for the press release - he did - - and I think it needs to be taken seriously.

I will note he did not give the same blessing to the Ramseys but will pont out that he said there was no evidence that John and Patsy Ramsey were part of or participated in a child sex ring operation.

So carry on the discussion - - just try to document it with quotes, not speculation, please.